Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Organizing: Day 2 & 3

So Day 2 at A Bowl Full of Lemons getting organized challenge was to clean off your desk. (Just the top) Well  that was easy for me because my wonderful hubby got me a connector to hook up the computer to the T.V. so now 20 Something is on T.V.!!! Okay not really... Anyways my whole house is a complete
disaster EXCEPT my living room. But do y'all remember the computer room???

Yes I decided not to slack and to conquer that big ol' honkin' mess! Here's a close up of just the desk...

Yup I know! TOTALLY GROSS!!! So I took everything off, put it in new found homes, (until we're asked to organize that area of the house at least!) and got to cleaning! Here is what I have now!

The skies parted and the angels came out to sing!!!!
(P.S. How do you like that labeling system?!?! I'm a little bit in love with contact paper right now.)

I even did the top of the filing cabinet!

After I cleaned it there were some rust spots showing up sooooo...

Contact paper!!!! Who coulda guessed? Okay once more let's take a look at how my desk looked before and how it looks now...


and after!

Day 3 of the challenge is the Tupperware cabinet! I'm pretty good about keeping mine all organized so I didn't have much to do... but I did want to put contact paper down in those cabinets like I did in my other kitchen cabinets. (Day 1)



I love the way my serving dishes look on the gingham lining!

So for an added bonus I even did our storage room at work!!!





WooHoo!!! I'm on a serious roll!!! I know I have been slacking lately on crafts n' such but I've got BIG ideas ahead for 2011. Stick with me while I work on getting organized and I promise you will be in awe of what I'm dreaming up!

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